October 2018 archive

What We’re Working On in the Classroom

Hi Parents!

Can you believe that we’re already well into October!?

Here is a quick snapshot of what we’re working on…

This week it’s BE NICE, BE SAFE, BE AN UPSTANDER.  We will be talking about what it looks like to be safe and be nice – as well as ways to stand up for others. We often talk about TREATING OTHERS THE WAY WE WANT TO BE TREATED 🙂

In Reading, we’ve begun Unit 2- Analyzing Characters and Reading The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo.

We are presently writing our very own Realistic Fiction Story based on our own real life experiences.

Currently, we are tackling Unit 2 Math which is all about Multiplication! It is always very helpful for your child to practice math facts (pretty please?).

In Social Studies, we are learning about the United States in spacial terms- map/globe skills, landforms, and how humans interact with the earth.

Enjoy your week!