Our class had the opportunity to dissect Owl Pellets! The pellets show us what owls eat to help us learn more about owls and the ecosystem in which they live. Some of my students were hesitant at first, but eventually they all wanted to see what was inside their pellet. Thank you to the Georgetown PTC for purchasing the pellets. The kids had a blast!!

Hi Parents,
We had a great time performing with the West Shore Symphony Orchestra at the Frauenthal Theatre today! The theme of the concert was- The Orchestra Sings!
Mrs. Bretz and the fourth graders worked since January, to sharpen their singing skills, dance moves, note reading, and recorder playing!
It’s time to celebrate our creative school community once again! The Art Department is excited to once again host an in-person art show featuring artwork from Kindergarten students all the way up to High School artists. Drop in during Georgetown’s Reception Night, or any weekday between April 18th through the 26th. See the details below.
Hudsonville PS District Student Art Show
Hudsonville City Hall – 3275 Central Blvd.
Open Weekdays from April 18th – April 26th; 8:00am – 5:00pm
Georgetown Elementary Reception
Tuesday, April 19th
5:30pm – 7:30pm
In science today we explored the internal and external structures of tulips! We learned that plants have special structures to help them survive!

Please join us on March 24th from 6:30 for our Family Charter Night. During this time we will introduce you to and guide you through the creation of a Family Charter. Please RSVP here if you plan on attending.
Hello Parents,
Holiday Spirit Week is coming December 13-17!
Here’s the plan…
Merry Monday (12/13) – Wear Holiday Colors
Twinkle Toes Tuesday (12/14) – Wear Holiday Socks
Wintry Wednesday (12/15) – Wear a Scarf, Hat and Holiday Sweater
Twinkle Thursday (12/16) – Wear something with Lights or Sparkles
Frozen Friday (12/17) – Wear PJs and Slippers

The annual candy cane sale has returned. Our fifth-grade classes will sell candy canes to help raise money for their end-of-year activities. This year the sale runs from Wednesday, December 1 through Friday, December 17. The cost for each candy cane is $1.00, and they will be delivered the same day they are ordered. Thank you for your support and happy holidays!

Hi Parents,
The rain didn’t dampen the spirits of our Fourth Grade Football Fans! Elementary kids from all of the Hudsonville elementary schools who hosted a player (classroom volunteer) were invited to make a tunnel and cheer on the Eagles football team before the game! We enjoyed having Jake in our classroom and wished him good luck!