Kids Heart Challege Reminder…

The Kids Heart Challenge is in full swing!  We hope you’re having a ball and feel as rewarded as we do helping fight heart disease and stroke. Keep up the great work, you’re making a HUGE difference!

Remember, more than 50% of kids are not getting the physical activity they need to be healthy. You’re helping to change that. We have a special incentive at our school.  If we can get 50% of our students registered and taking the healthy challenges, we will receive an additional $500 to purchase new PE equipment.  Help us reach our goal!  Get your student registered for Kids Heart Challenge today!

Kid Heart Challenge

Information about Kids Heart Challenge will be coming home with students this week.  Please note that this fundraiser is for the American Heart Association, it does also helps us get P.E. Equipment for GT.  The Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser is done ONLINE (see link below) and will be open from February 6 until February 28.

When your child joins Kids Heart Challenge (formerly Jump Rope for Heart) they will hear from kids with special hearts and raise funds to help those born with heart defects.  Students learn about taking care of their own heart through fun challenges and activities for physical, social and emotional health.

Get online and register your student today:

Please note that thank-you prizes earned by students will be handed out when they come to P.E. class.  Some prizes need to be ordered when the fundraiser is over and will be delivered sometime in March.  Any money donated after Feb. 28 will not earn prizes.

M-STEP Testing Dates

Dear Parents,

The M-STEP State testing for grades 3-5 will take place this spring.  I wanted you to have information on the dates in advance so that you can schedule appointments around these testing dates.

The dates for our M-STEP tests are as follows:

Grade 4: May 12, 13, 14 (9am-12pm)

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