Posts Tagged ‘volunteer’

Open House!

We are very excited to start the new school year! Please remember to join us for one of our Open Houses this week. The schedule is as follows:

◾PK Monday, August 25 @ 6:30 pm
◾ K Tuesday, August 26 @ 6:30 pm
◾Grades 1-5 Wednesday, August 27 @ 6:30 pm

Popcorn: At all three open houses, we will be collecting donations for POPCORN DAYS. Each month, parent volunteers provide popcorn to all our students as a special treat. Popcorn Fridays (one per month) are FAVORITE DAYS in our building. Popcorn parents are ROCKSTARs! Your OPEN HOUSE donations allow us to offer popcorn free of charge to ALL students. Please DONATE. The container will be in the rotunda.

We would love to have more support for the many activities we offer for students and families during the year. Please show your support by completing this survey: PTC SURVEY 2014